Legally Blonde Cast List!

Legally Blonde Cast List!

The entire Production Staff of Legally Blonde would like to thank everyone who came to auditions and attended callbacks this past weekend! We were so fortunate to see such talent, making the casting process that much more difficult. If you were not cast in this production please do not be discouraged. There are plenty of ways for you to get involved in this production (running crew, ushering etc.). Please reach out to us at for more information.

Congratulations to the cast of Legally Blonde!

Elle - Mikaela Sheridan
Emmett - Randy Campo
Paulette - Sofia Solimando
Brooke - Alyssa Fox
Enid - Nishika Bagchi
Warner - Jonah Levinson
Vivienne - Gabby Talvacchia
Callahan - Peter Toto
Serena - Vanessa Matos
Margot - Brooke Barkdull
Pilar - Sam DeSena
Grand Master Chad / Dewey / Ensemble - Craig Dilliplane
Aaron / Kyle / Carlos / Ensemble - Nicolas Noa
Padamadon / Nikos / Ensemble - Roggi Chuquimarca
Kate / Chutney / Ensemble - Katerina Farese
Store Manager / Whitney / Judge Ensemble - Rachel Spillane
Elle’s Mom - Jenna Zielinski
Featured Dancers:
Maliek Tenzie
Kevin Anbarserri
Craig Dilliplane
Jenna Zielinski
Rachel Spillane
Sam DeSena



The 24-Hour Musical Prostaff Application

The 24-Hour Musical Prostaff Application

Legally Blonde Callbacks

Legally Blonde Callbacks