Sweeney Todd Callbacks

Thank you to everyone who came out and auditioned for LTC’s upcoming first mainstage of our 2019-2020 season, Sweeney Todd! We saw a lot of talent over these last two nights and are excited to announce our callback list! Congratulations to all of those who have been called back and if your name is listed below, be sure to lookout for an email from the production staff containing more information tonight.

Hayley Adler
Jamie Corter
Samantha Desena
Gabriella Florio
Stephanie Garcia
Grace Gardner
Jazleen Gongora
Mary Klein
Rebecca Madeira
Kiersten Montenero
Sirena Morales
Alana Sackman
Concetta Vecchione
Katarina Zonic

Jason Bediako
Jonathan Blanco
Jairo Campo
Randy Campo
Kyle Cao
Sebastian Chiaramonte
Zach Hassel
Tarik Mahmutbegovic
Gian-Soren Morici
Cristian Ossa
Caleb Schneider
Yves Turgeon
Leonid Weismantel
Kolter Yagual

If you do not see your name on the list, please do not be discouraged from contacting us (info@ruLTC.org) if you are interested in being a part of the production in any other way!

Sweeney Todd Cast List

Pit Auditions for Sweeney Todd